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Wound Care (Basic)

About This Module The Basic Wound Care Course has been designed to equip the Community Care Sector with relevant information pertaining to wound care management knowledge. You will be required to complete all E-learning modules prior to your final case presentation and assessment with your facilitator. Topic 1: Skin Facts and Overview of the Integumentary system (e-learning) (Self-paced) Topic 2: Skin Tears and Wound products (e-learning) (Self-paced) Topic 3: Management of Pressure Injuries and Moisture Associated Skin Damage (e-learning) (Self-paced) Topic 4: Zoom in with your facilitator at a designated date and time. The modules will start with a recall of the anatomy & physiology of the integumentary system to detailed assessment of ageing skin and exploring the common skin conditions plaguing the elderly patients and finally rounding off with exploring different prevention methods/ products commonly used . Participants must complete all attached topical quizzes and submit their relevant case study presentation via power-point to the administrator 2 days before the scheduled online zoom session. Participants would be required to present their case study findings to the facilitator and obtain a passing score of 50% to be eligible for a Certificate of Participation jointly issued by AIC, SLH and SUSS. The certificate will only be issued to you via email upon completion of your course. On completion of this course, you will be able to: 1) Describe relevant knowledge and skills to provide skin care and maintenance of skin health for patients. 2) Describe evidence-based care in assessment, prevention and management of pressure injury. 3) Distinguish between the available wound care products. 4) Apply tips and techniques learnt to provide holistic wound care for patients.
Enrollment is Closed

About This Course

The Basic Wound Care Course has been designed to equip the Community Care Sector with relevant information pertaining to wound care management knowledge. You will be required to complete all E-learning modules prior to your final case presentation and assessment with your facilitator.

Topic 1: Skin Facts and Overview of the Integumentary system (e-learning) (Self-paced) Topic 2: Skin Tears and Wound products (e-learning) (Self-paced) Topic 3: Management of Pressure Injuries and Moisture Associated Skin Damage (e-learning) (Self-paced) Topic 4: Zoom in with your facilitator at a designated date and time The modules will start with a recall of the anatomy & physiology of the integumentary system to detailed assessment of ageing skin and exploring the common skin conditions plaguing the elderly patients and finally rounding off with exploring different prevention methods/ products commonly used.

Participants must complete all attached topical quizzes and submit their relevant case study presentation via power-point to the administrator 2 days before the scheduled online zoom session. Participants would be required to present their case study findings to the facilitator and obtain a passing score of 50% to be eligible for a Certificate of Participation jointly issued by AIC, SLH and SUSS. The certificate will only be issued to you via email upon completion of your course.

On completion of this course, you will be able to: 1) Describe relevant knowledge and skills to provide skin care and maintenance of skin health for patients. 2) Describe evidence-based care in assessment, prevention and management of pressure injury. 3) Distinguish between the available wound care products. 4) Apply tips and techniques learnt to provide holistic wound care for patients.



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